Psalm 107:1

O give thanks to the LORD, for he is good: For his mercy endures forever ~ Psalm 107:1 We are beginning to see there may be a light at the end of the tunnel of Covid-19 as more are being vaccinated, and the numbers of those infected inch down bit by bit. When the day comes that we can meet together again there will be great rejoicing. We will celebrate! But, why wait? Our God is a faithful God, merciful in so many ways that we cannot count them all. I know we are living with tough restrictions right now. It is hard to wear a mask and cover our smiles. People struggle with loneliness, with depression, with physical distancing. We are a people meant to touch, to speak face to face rather than virtually. So what is there to celebrate about all we are going through right now? First, our Saviour suffered much on behalf of us. He suffered hatred, rejection, the whip, and the cross for us. He suffered a great deal. They say it is not until we suffer that we can understand and have emp...