For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him ~ Colossians 1:16
The Jehovah's Witness try to say that Christ was created by God, linking the Scripture that he is the first born of all creation to this theology. This is a misinterpretation of the Greek language, and the true meaning is that Christ was preeminent, or superior, and was in fact over creation, not created (1:15). One cannot look at verse 15 and ignore the next verse, which is quoted above. Jesus is the spoken word in Genesis, the Creator of all things. God saw, God spoke, God moved - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Three-in-One. And all things were created FOR him (Jesus), not just through and because of him. Too often we live from day to day and expect from God, reversing this scripture and basically saying God was created to do our bidding, to do our will, to meet our needs. We must set this back in its rightful place if we are to be true Christ followers. We were created, no matter our role in life, to follow and worship Him. It does not matter if we are the Queen, or President, a regular "joe" or a person on the street, we were created by Him and for Him, because He is above all others. We all have the same status in His eyes. That status is to follow Him, no matter where that may lead and what that may involve. God has an ultimate plan and we can be a part of that plan. We are a part of His plan, the question is: Are we a willing part, or a protesting part? Even Pharaoh was part of God's plan to free the Israelite's from bondage, albeit against God. I choose to be on God's side. What about you?
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