Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever ~ Isaiah 9:7
In this prophecy, the first line is striking in a world that is without peace and where governments fail their citizens. Peace is hard to find, if it can be, and government rule makes one shake their head in wondering what the elected might be thinking, and who they are thinking for. This government and peace described by Isaiah is far different than what we look at in our world today. This is a peace which will have no limitations, that is what is meant by having no end. It will go on forever, yes, but it also will bring in a reign of unlimited peace! This Prince will rule on David's throne, a promise a young shepherd boy would never imagine. Yet, this young man rose to be an ultimate Jewish leader, strong in battle and courageous beyond other men. He was a man God called "after my own heart". And, as a promise had been given to Abraham, so a promise by God was given to David that a ruler would reign as he had over the people of God. This new ruler would establish this reign, or raise it up and confirm it and it would be led with justice and righteousness. Unlike our governments where there can be an abuse of power to gain leadership, this government will be established and destined to be just and right. Forever and ever will this Prince rule. Forever and ever will there be unlimited peace. Only through the Son of God would this ever come to be, Jesus the Christ, the son of David.
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