Galatians 5:14
For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: "Love your neighbour as yourself" ~ Galatians 5:14
If I truly love myself, I will respect me, I will trust in me, I will believe in me. If I truly love myself, I will hold on to my integrity, my wholeness, and my health. If I truly love myself, when I fall down or miss the mark, I will gather all I can muster to pick myself up again and carry on. I will not condemn myself, or put myself down, or put myself above others. If I truly love myself...
If I do not truly love me, I will be condemning, untrustworthy, prideful, abusive, I will sell myself short emotionally, physically and sexually. And then, I will do all this to you.
Jesus is the healer of our self image. He will heal us from our past: from the words spoken to us and over us, from the mistakes and choices we have made, from the family sins which we carry on into the future and He will break them forever. Only by knowing the true and wonderful love Jesus has for me, by sensing it, feeling it, living in it, can I come to truly love me, and in my loving me, I will love you!
Devotion by Pastor Julia

If I do not truly love me, I will be condemning, untrustworthy, prideful, abusive, I will sell myself short emotionally, physically and sexually. And then, I will do all this to you.
Jesus is the healer of our self image. He will heal us from our past: from the words spoken to us and over us, from the mistakes and choices we have made, from the family sins which we carry on into the future and He will break them forever. Only by knowing the true and wonderful love Jesus has for me, by sensing it, feeling it, living in it, can I come to truly love me, and in my loving me, I will love you!
Devotion by Pastor Julia
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