Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires ~ Galatians 5:24
There is a prerequisite for putting our passions and lusts to the grave. We must, we absolutely have to, belong to Christ Jesus. We cannot be a person who says, "Ya, sure, I believe in God," but then walk away from His commandments, His teachings, His love. I am talking about those who may come to church on Sunday, if they even do that, but then Monday to Saturday their footprints leave imprints in the sand of the world. A true follower of Jesus Christ, a true belonger (I know, but it is a real word) of Christ is filled with His Spirit and walks by His Spirit. They love, have joy, are patient, they are all the characteristics we see in Jesus as we read them in and through the scriptures. Galatians 5: 22, 23 spells these out clearly for those of us who cannot actually "pick" them out throughout the New Testament Gospels. This is the prerequisite then. We cannot do this crucifying in our own power. Without the Spirit of Christ indwelling us, we have no fortitude of mind or heart to accomplish putting our flesh to death. It is impossible without Christ. With Christ, nothing, nothing, nothing is impossible! We can do all things through Christ! (Phil 4:13). This includes putting to death our lusts and passions and desires which do not represent Christ in God. This means we have to look at our vices, clearly, in the face take a look, and ask Jesus to help us do what He wants us to do with them - put them on the cross! Kill them! Nail them there and send them to their eternal death! If you have jealousy, look it in the face and say, "Be gone!" Do the same for anger, for envy, for sexual lust whether that be physical, emotional, or material. In Jesus' name, put them on that cross! Then, live in freedom through Christ Jesus!
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