Carry each other's burdens, and in this way will fulfill the law of Christ ~ Galatians 6:2
Jesus taught that He was the vine and we are the branches. It is a beautiful image of how the brining of two make strength in one. When we carry each other's burden, we act in the stead of Christ, to help and not hinder another's journey in this life. Too often we ask, "How are you?" but do not really expect a long, informative answer. The responder has become accustomed to saying, "I'm fine," or "It's too long a story to tell," and they both part ways. We need to start asking the question expecting and waiting for an answer, and not leaving until we get it. Empathy is needed, it is necessary, if we are to carry each other's burdens. The other's sorrow and joy must become our sorrow and joy, not that we fall into the pit with them if it is sorrow, but so that we can hear them, understand them, listen to them. And if it is joy, then to rejoice with them! Good news is better when shared among good friends! To be in relationship with another means that we do this for each other. We all have burdens to bear, let us bear them with each other, and help carry the load. It will be easier if we all work together. Jesus took our burden to the cross, can we do any less for each other?
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