Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom can be no variation, neither shadow that is cast by turning ~ James 1:17
I like how James compares good to perfect. We give good gifts to our children, our friends, our loved ones. Perfect gifts on the other hand, only can come from God. We may say, "Oh, that is perfect!" because it suits us to a T. But it is still based on that persons perception. What is written here is the difference between a benevolent gift, one that brings joy, and a perfect gift, which is timeless and remains perfect in its wholeness. Both of these God gives to us, as all goodness comes from God. We will always hear God blamed for the darkness which invades our world through tragedy. "Why didn't God stop it?" we cry. How soon we forget the world God did create! It was perfect and worked in unison with mankind and the animal kingdom. There was no shame, no crime, no pain, but we have distorted this world and allowed all that to enter in. God did not bring it to us, we did that all on our own through the fall of Adam and Eve. God's gifts are good and perfect. James goes on to say how God is the God of light, and no turning will bring shadow. Everything in our world has shadow! We are not, nor is this world, the directness of light, it is always cast upon us. But God is that light! It does not matter which way He turns, He is the bearer of light! If you are looking for the perfect gift, the good gift from someone, turn to the One who is the supplier of both, the Lord Himself!
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