He that has ears to hear, let him hear ~ Matthew 11:15
Jesus said these words more than once, yet, still He had people walk away from Him. The message was clear then, as the One who spoke it was the message! Yet, as I say, people then had hard hearts and did not clearly hear the Good News of the Kingdom Jesus was telling them. Neither the Jews of Christ's time, nor the people of this time hear clearly to understand the message. Many think that accepting Christ into their heart is to give up their plans and life. But the truth is, the plans and life we have after accepting Jesus is more fruitful than the life lived without Him. Jesus called people to Himself for themselves. If we are willing to hear His message, it means that exactly - a willingness to hear. A curiosity, a yearning to learn and to know more. It means that all prejudice is removed from what one thinks the message is about, to fully hearing what the message is: love, new life, fullness and satisfaction, it is hope and vision, it is wholeness and healing. That is the message I heard...what about you?
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