Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled ~ Matthew 5:6
As a human being, I have many appetites that drive my urges to eat and drink. My body needs food and water to survive, but too often what I ingest is unhealthy for me. Yet I crave it and consume it anyway. When I do this consistently, over time my body reacts as it becomes more unhealthy. I have to be conscious of what I am taking into my body and aware of what is healthy. I rely on the earth to give me what I need to do that, just as my soul relies upon righteousness and holiness from God through the Holy Spirit to find its nourishment. As we depend upon the earth for our bread and water, so we rely upon God for the Bread of Life found in following Him. The inner longing must be met, and the only way is by coming to the Lord. Our spirit will be unhealthy if we do not feed it the right way. If we look at the world and all the "junk food" in sexuality, sociology, morally and ingest what they offer, our soul will suffer. We will be soul-sick. God's promise is that when we come to Him for our food, we will be filled. We will in other words, be satisfied. The cravings for those other objects, whether they be intrinsic or extrinsic will be vanquished in the fulfillment found in our relationship with Him. Read His words today, spend time with Him in prayer today. Ask Him to fill you today, and He says He will do just that!
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