Colossians 2:6

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him ~ Colossians 2:6

The message is clear here: keep the faith as it was taught. In today’s world we are more apt to water down the word found in Jesus Christ to make it more “inclusive.” That inclusiveness though, allows those who cannot see God’s way in the message to continue to live in sin. God is a holy God, and His way ultimately leads to healing, not to overlooking. This is what makes the message of Jesus “all-inclusive”, for he came to heal the sick, the broken, the lost and forgotten. He came to forgive the enemy, love everyone equally, and to call us all to follow. We are to love the sinner, but not the sin. Today’s church says love the sinner, and don’t look at the sin. The message found in this scripture is not to turn to the left or the right, but to walk in the teachings of Jesus Christ. The Covenant of the Old Testament was made new in Him, but the teachings He never rebuked. He is the way, the truth, and the life, and He is the only access to God the Father. Follow the narrow path to life.
Devotion by Pastor Julia


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