Ephesians 6:11

Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes ~ Ephesians 6:11

Oh, that wily Devil! He will come at you out of the blue, with no warning, just there, bam! Gotcha! Then your spiritual world may go to chaos. He is so subtle though, and you may not recognize him. It just seems suddenly you are under attack by your closest friend and you cannot understand why they are on your back. Then it hits you – this is the enemies doing! Yes, he will use Christian to get at Christian, the same as he will use the people of the world to attack. It makes no difference to him, but he will feel he is “one up” if he can get a brother or sister in the Lord to do the attacking for him. This the time for all out spiritual war, and it is the time to don the battle clothes! Paul is saying though, we need to always be wearing them. Unfortunately, I don’t think we are always prepared the way we should be. There are requirements for each piece we place on our body to protect us from the devil. Yes, he is real, but he is also defeated! We must remember that when we are in our spiritual battles! In Jesus’ name he is defeated! But he will only listen if we are truly saved, which is why we need the true helmet of salvation. Just as God knows we belong to Him, so the devil knows when we don’t. We cannot use Jesus’ powerful name if we have not fully surrendered to Him. We cannot defeat the devil with words unless they are Words from scripture, for in them we find Truth, Righteousness, Faith, and Peace through the life of our blessed Saviour, Jesus Christ! Through Christ and in Christ we have the power to say, “Be gone! In Jesus’ name, leave!”
Devotion by Pastor Julia


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