Ephesians 6:14b-15

…with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. ~ Ephesians 6:14b-15

Let me continue from yesterday’s devotion with regards to our spiritual battle and how we put on the armor to stand against our enemy, the devil. Yesterday, we saw how the belt of truth was a must as a first piece of armament on the body as it holds the breastplate in place as well as the scabbard for the sword. It is the truth of Christ on which we stand. The good soldier then puts on the breastplate which often has a second piece which is placed on his back. The breastplate covers the vital organs – the heart, the abdomen, the spleen. It protected not only the chest, but it extended down to the thigh. Usually this was made of bronze, but it was also made of chain mail if you were of the upper class in society. Isaiah 59:17 tells us “He (meaning Christ) put on righteousness as his breastplate…” How we are to understand this righteousness is in our character. It is to have integrity. It is to be upright in our dealings with others. What we say we will do, how we say we live we will display. What others see in our daily life is what we preach and teach on the Sunday’s of our life. The breastplate of righteousness is to moral uprightness in all facets of our life.
Once the soldier has set his breastplate in place, he puts on his strong army boots. When the feet are protected in strong and durable gear, the footing is sure and steady; he can climb mountains and valley’s, ford rivers and streams, deserts and rocky terrain. His feet can bear him up in any environment he may find the battle. He is ready to do the long march to victory, yet, he is also at the ready with peace. Why? Because, my friend, he has the truth within that his life is now safe in Christ Jesus through the reconciliation which was done for him on the Cross! He has peace in his soul that no matter what may happen, he is the Lord’s and the Lord is his! The battle may rage about him, but he will not be anything less than victorious, no matter the outcome! If his life is taken in the battle, he belongs to Jesus! That is victory!
Devotion by Pastor Julia


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