Ephesians 6:16-18

In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people ~ Ephesians 6:16-18

This passage is a call to arms for the soldier of Christ, but it can only be done by a soldier who has trained. If he has not grown spiritually in a personal way, the battle is the fiercer. If he is not grounded in the truth of his salvation, feet which are planted firmly and if he cannot be at the ready, he is doomed. If righteousness and integrity are not his banner, the winds of tempest will assail him. So, Paul tells this armor is a good thing to have at hand, and today we will don the rest of our battle suit. The enemy will strive, connive, and deceive us if he can, but we are Christ’s and He is in us, and the battle has been won through Jesus.
Taking up his shield, the soldier continues to prepare. The shield was in the shape of an oval, or oblong, and was held in front for protection. It consisted of two layers of wood glued together, covered with linen and hide, and bound with iron. Soldiers often fought side by side with a solid wall of shields. But even a single-handed combatant found himself sufficiently protected. The shield consists of the faith of the soldier, faith both in subject and in object. Faith is both what we believe and what we believe in. The enemy may shoot his arrows dipped in ignited tar, but our shield of faith will extinguish every arrow. Faith is saying, “though you do not see Him, you love Him, and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him” (1 Pet 1:8). Faith is saying though I will someday die, I have a heavenly home because Jesus lives (John 11:26). Faith is knowing that God will fulfill His promises because He is a faithful God (Deut 7:9).
There are two last pieces of equipment for our soldier, and these he must take. Make note of this verb, for the other pieces of his armor he donned himself, now there is something extended toward him, and these he must reach toward to grasp. The helmet, which protects his head was made of bronze with leather attachments. Again our Lord is described as wearing the “helmet of salvation” in Isaiah 59:17. Recall the soldiers belt is Truth of his salvation, now we come to the helmet which he accepted, the fullness of the gift of salvation offered to him. This is the hope of full salvation in Christ.
The final piece is the sword. Again, this must be taken by the soldier, he does not take it up himself, but it is handed to him. It is a short two-edged cut-and-thrust sword wielded by the heavily armed legionary. This sword is of the Holy Spirit. When we accept Jesus as our Saviour, we are filled with the Holy Spirit. He is our weapon of offence. He utters words which will cut to the marrow, words which are alive and active. The Word of God penetrates deep into the soul, dividing, judging, assessing our thoughts and motives (Hebrews 4:12). These words may come from scripture, or from the heart of Truth imparted to us by the Spirit, but from wherever the Spirit will use them for His glory and to drive away Satan.
This soldier then, has one lasting commitment to make – to keep on praying in the Spirit for his fellow soldier. The prayers of a righteous man avails much in its working wrote the brother of Jesus Christ (James 5:16). The battle is not won without first beginning with prayer, without being prepared and ready, without the proper garments of protection. Stand your ground, my fellow Christian, the surety of the Gospel of Truth and in the Salvation granted and offered freely to you. Fight the good fight to the finish!
Devotion by Pastor Julia  


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