For the word
of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the
division of the soul and of spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the
thoughts and intentions of the heart ~ Hebrews 4:12
Some believe
this verse is talking about the Lord Jesus Christ, as He has been described as
the Word of God. Commentators do not take this as such, and they attribute the
word of God to the Gospel of Salvation. In other words, it encompasses all
Christ did for our salvation, including the divine order and will of God in our
lives. The word of God, which was a guide to the people of the Old Testament is
still a guide for us today, for God’s word does not fall or fail. The word of
God is still our promise and our corrector. His word pierces through all we
would use as a cover with each other, it connects to our very soul when no
other can. It reveals all that is authentic truth when we would avoid it. Our
desires and wishes are not hidden when God’s word enters in. Our soul will lead
us astray in the wiles of the world, whereas our spirit, connected with God in
truth, is heaven bound in its desire. We can speak all types of words to each
other – words of criticism, of encouragement, of love and hope, of anger and
remorse. We can speak words which will cut to the bone and sever our joints in
destruction. God’s word cuts deep too, but it cuts to bring healing and restoration,
it cuts to remove that which holds us back from being the person He created us
to be in wholeness. God’s word cuts away the chaff of our life and reveals the
beauty of our created being in Him. Only God can use His words for such a
purpose. Our words are empty without His working in us and through us.
Devotion by
Pastor Julia
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