James 1:19

My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry ~ James 1:19

When I come before God in prayer, He wants me to listen for His still, small voice before I go prattling on with what I want, or need, or have grievance about. Too often I come with my voice rather than my ear, and at times I come with the attitude of anger because life is not going the way I think it should, and He needs to hear about it, then fix it. It is in the silence when God speaks, but I may be in too much of a hurry to wait for His word. I am not alone, for I know that you too can be like me. “Just hurry up, Lord, tell me what to do so I can get on with it…” we pray. But God is not in a hurry to speak or act, His time is not our time, His ways are not our ways. We carry this over into our other relationships too. I half listen to you, but don’t hear what you are saying from your heart. Or, I half listen, then pour out all my stuff because it is more important (to me!). Or, I hear what I think I hear you say, and it causes me to become angry because it goes against my thoughts, my attitudes, my ideals, and against my way. James words are good words to heed, not only for today, but for everyday. Perhaps He wrote them knowing he failed to listen to Jesus before the resurrection, and spoke too quickly against Him while He was alive. Lessons learned the hard way teach us with more depth.  
Devotion by Pastor Julia


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