Luke 16:10

Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much ~ Luke 16:10

We tend to think the opposite way. I want the big jobs first, I will prove myself in them, I don’t want to be doing the menial, little stuff. But God is a God who reverses what we think and what we know. I don’t know about you, but when I was a new Christian, I took this scripture to heart. I would volunteer for anything and everything. In my church then, it meant putting up the hymn numbers on the board for Sunday, or helping the secretary with her work by folding bulletins. Whatever I could do around the church, I would look for and happily do. Nothing was too menial. Too often, as Christians, we look at what we do and compare it with others. Anyone can pray, we say, yet not all are prayer warriors. Anyone can come to church every week, yet not all do so. We think because our “job” is not the prominent one in the church, or organization we belong to, that we are not doing God’s work. However, in the office of God, the little things we do make the biggest difference. The menial job leads to more responsibility; the lower the job the higher the position granted. Of course, as Luke writes, the opposite is also true. When we cheat on the little things, the big priorities become nothing more than a lie as well. We cannot hide our dishonesty for it will come into the open for all to see. We cannot hide our humility either, for God will announce it loud and clear with praise!
Devotion by Pastor Julia  


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