Matthew 19:26

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible ~ Matthew 19:26

This statement of Jesus is of course, in reference to the question, “Who can be saved?” A discourse had taken place between a rich young man and Jesus, the young man asking what more he needed to do to have eternal life. Jesus then quoted a number of the Ten Commandments to which the young man stated he has followed every one. Jesus asks him then to give  his riches to the poor. No can do, he says. Of course he could not! I find it so interesting to inspect Jesus’ words. If you were to look closely at the commandments the young man had followed, they all had to do with his own morals and ethics. What was missing? It was his worship of God. He loved his money and wealth and comfort more than he loved God. Does not the love of God come first and foremost before one can be saved? We cannot save ourselves, we cannot work our way into heaven. We must surrender ourselves to God through Jesus Christ; it is the work of the Holy Spirit which opens our eyes to see the Cross. The cost of salvation is too high for us to attain. It cost Jesus his life and blood! With man it is impossible, but thank the Lord, Jesus paid the price so that we would have eternal life with Him! When we then pray for those we love whom have not received Christ, we know they cannot find Him in their own power. But do not give up praying! For God knows their name, and He will be there to do the impossible! After all, He did it in your and my life! Pray them in, never stop, and wait for God’s miracle.
Devotion by Pastor Julia


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