And I am
sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion
at the day of Jesus Christ ~ Philippians 1:6
There is no
doubt in Paul’s mind as to what the Lord can do, after all, he is a personal
witness regarding the changes God can and will make in a person. Paul was
changed from a religious zealot who sought to murder Christ followers, to authoring
much of the New Testament and in so doing, built them stronger in Christ. Paul
is confident, not in himself, but in the God who brings change about. Paul
certainly understands human character – they are fickle, falling into
temptation, and all too ready to take the wrong path. God, Paul knows then, who
brought you into His own, will complete what he began. And what was that? Well,
to make you more like Jesus. God’s grace and mercy will transform you. What
drew your attention yesterday, is gone in God’s today. What words fell from
your mouth, what actions you performed, what thoughts entered your mind before
Christ entered your heart all move from self-centredness to God-centeredness. The
closed doorway to eternity with Him open into a new archway into the glory of
heaven. There is no disappointment in God. He will do for you what He has done
for Paul, Peter, Mark, John, and many other men and women down through the
Devotion by
Pastor Julia
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