Psalm 143:10

Teach me to do your will, for you are my God! Let your good Spirit lead me on level ground ~ Psalm 143:10

We can be a stubborn people! Just as the Israelite’s said “yes, I will obey,” so we say the same thing. Next thing one knows, and we are going our own way and forgetting to seek the guidance of God. Human nature is still human nature. And we look back and repeat the words above, “Teach me to do your will, for you are my God – and you know what is best!” If only we would listen to the soft voice that speaks to us, or get our eyes right into the Book, we would follow with greater ease. The psalmist calls upon God’s Spirit to lead him on level ground. Our way leads to ups and downs, to curves and side-tracks. God’s way leads us on a steady way. Certainly, the psalmist asks for guidance in the midst of his calamity, but first he comes desiring to draw closer to his God. When we come close to God, we can know His heart and His will. When we walk away, it is next to impossible to know what God wants us to do, and be. Just as the psalmist goes to prayer, so should we. When we communicate with God, He will communicate with us. He desires our friendship; He desires to hear us call out to Him. When we live in communion with Him, He will teach us, for we do need to be taught to follow and obey. When we live in communion with Him, His Holy Spirit lives within and guides us in our steps. Just as the psalmist desires level ground to walk on, there is still the acknowledgement that not all ground is level, but that his walking with God will make it seem so. The psalmist’s self-reliance turns to God-reliance, and to confidence. On whom do you rely – you, or on God?
Devotion by Pastor Julia


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