demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the
knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to
Christ ~ 2 Corinthians 10:5
simpler terms, Paul is saying we wage a war, but not in the way the world wages
a war, but by the Holy Spirit of Christ we go to battle against all that would
try to destroy the knowledge of God. In Paul’s day, he argued against the Greek
philosophy and their ethnic systems. Their reasonings seemed sturdy and
profound, but many of them were actually false. When Paul and the apostles came
against their gods with the Eternal and One True God, they were confused and
confounded. They could not grasp the concepts of a God who would die for them,
who would sacrifice His life and His Son, and then be raised to life again.
They serve plural gods and man-made deities. Do we not still fight the same
battle? This is why we need to know our scriptures, and have a strong
foundation. The Gospel of Jesus Christ, though our world denies Him, cannot get
away from Him. We have the doctrine of truth to share with a very big and lost
world. We have the Power of the Holy Spirit to bring into captivity every
thought which is against the Lord Jesus Christ and His message. One day, every
knee will bow before Him.
by Pastor Julia
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