Hebrews 13:16

And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased ~ Hebrews 13:16

Do not forget, or neglect, but let it always be in the forefront of your thoughts and actions to do good. Don’t let it slip so that as you go about your day you do not in some way promote the good and happiness of those you meet. If you, by your remembering, can bring joy into someone’s life then you are showing them the love of Jesus. And as God has blessed you, whether that is with material goods, or spiritual blessings, pass those on to those you meet as well. We do not always know the plight of another, but if we consciously reach out to them, we may find we are an answer to their prayer. By sharing what the Lord has shared with us, we bring Him honour and glory, for then He is seen through our actions, for is this not how we desire to show our love for Him? Our desire is to be His hands and feet in a world which has no sense of direction and has lost its way. For if we can lead them to Him, then we have done the very best with our Christianity.
Devotion by Pastor Julia


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