Proverbs 21:2

A person may think their own ways are right, but the Lord weighs the heart ~ Proverbs 21:2

Isn’t it always amazing how blind we are to our own ways, but can hone in like a knife when it is someone else? We see their fallacies, their idiosyncrasies, their weaknesses so clearly, all the while thinking that we are so on track. We think we have the better idea or the better way of doing something, without taking an objective look at the whole of the situation. We are too subjective. When we look at what is right and wrong with our neighbour we fail to see or to apply that same judgment to ourselves. We have a strong bond to the self! There are times when we fail to listen to that inner voice which speaks truth into our conscious mind and we carry on in defiance. There, however, is One whom clearly sees into the thoughts and ways which we can and do cover over between us and our neighbour. God sees all. God sees our motives, even when we hide them from self. King David once prayed “But who can discern their own errors? Forgive my hidden faults” (Psalm 19:12). We must do the same as we take a look inside our own heart. Search me, O God, and know my inner thoughts. May I stay close to Christ, that He might be my conscience, and may His light shine within me in truth so that I can look at myself with honest evaluation.
Devotion by Pastor Julia


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