Psalm 42:2

My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God? ~ Psalm 42:2

We do not know the writer of this psalm. As many others are attributed to David, this one is attributed to “The Sons of Korah.” Perhaps he was in captivity at the point of writing, we are not sure, but what is sure is his longing to enter into the courts of the Lord to worship. His desire is not one of casualness; it is of earnest, deepest desire. He is parched in spirit, and he knows the only one who can fill that need is his God. We do not know what it is to be parched in the 21st century. We know what sipping from the cup of the Lord is, but to have that gut wrenching, mouth thirsting, sweat dripping need for the filling of our living God within? No, we come to Him with tepid desire. We come to our Lord in our Lazyboy chair. This writer knew there was more to God than what he could sense at that moment, and he was panting for his God to be present with him. And this was not just any God, this God he wanted was the one and true Living God! He wanted the God who created him, who knew him through and through, the God who fought for him, comforted him, taught him, loved him! This was the God he was desiring! And he wanted to be near Him. He wanted the living God only, not materialism, or human pleasure, and certainly not a “dead” god, but the God who would one day call him eternally home and grant a place to worship and communion forever. Desire God today, just as this psalmist desires God. Get off your chair of ease and get on your knees! Cry out for Living Water from the fountain of Jesus Christ, for He is the only One to satisfy your soul!
Devotion by Pastor Julia  


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