Psalm 94:19

When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy ~ Psalm 94:19

I know I can turn all my troubles over to the Great Trouble Solver, and how I thank Him that I can do that. Some people have the tendency to worry more than others, and sometimes I do, and sometimes I am able to place the worry where it belongs – at the foot of the cross. I expect you are the same and at times carry more than you should. We are very good at the making of plans. I need to do this, and today needs to have this, and if I don’t do this…and on and on I go without considering that my plans are just that – mine. God sees things bigger than me, and His plans are wider than mine, so I have to remember that He is in control of all things. If I decide to worry and stress about what the Lord has put in place, I am sinning against Him. I have to give it over to Him. When I do, I can remember words he has given me to strengthen me. I think of Joshua 1:9 where God reminds me He is always with me. And then there is Isaiah 41:10 where God promises to strengthen me and hold me up with His righteous right hand, and Philippians 4:6, 7 where His word tells me that in every situation, I can come to Him in prayer and petitions, with, get this, thanksgiving, and He will guard my heart and mind. There are so many ways His word brings me consolation when I worry needlessly. He will take care of the big things and the little things. Do you remember Jesus’ words in Luke 12:22-26? “Who by worrying can add a single day to his life?” If anything, worrying takes life away. Give your worries and anxieties over to the One who can really solve them for you!
Devotion by Pastor Julia


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