Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears
my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they
with me ~ Revelation 3:20
It is no wonder this scripture has been painted and
placed in so many churches as an image. It was a stained glass window at the
front of one of the churches I attended years ago, and it was always as though
it was a new image every time I looked at it. Christ, standing at the door,
with one hand gently tapping while the other hand held a lantern, symbolizing he
was the light of the world. And if you looked close, you would realize there
was no outward knob by which to open the door – it had to be opened from the inside.
Jesus does not force himself on anyone. He is gentle and He waits for us to say
that we have had enough of this life without him. He waits for us to say, “I
need you, Jesus.” When that moment happens, when we come to the realization
that wisdom is in asking Jesus to come into our life, then He brings the feast;
everything is new and abundant when He comes into our heart! If only people
would realize that Jesus does not force us to do something we don’t want to do,
but in fact He allows us to be made whole! Everything we lived for previous to
His coming into our life is suddenly exposed for its ineptness and
inadequacies. What we thought was so great in life is seen for its vast
emptiness when Jesus enters our heart. If you don’t know Him, like
sit-down-to-dinner know Him, ask Him into your heart and then wait. You won’t
need to wait long before He serves up a better way of life! That is just what
He does!
Devotion by Pastor Julia
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