Colossians 3:17

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him ~ Colossians 3:17

On average, I can find this directive easy to follow. Everything I do and say, I do and say because I love my Lord Jesus and I want to model Him in my life. This is a good thing! You and I want others to see the love we have for Jesus, and in Jesus, as we go about the day-to-day living experiences. We want others to come to know Him, as we know Him, and to serve Him, as we serve Him through our service to others around us. But put passion into the deal and it becomes more challenging to do and say in the name of the Lord Jesus! When passion enters into the dynamics, emotions get in the way and I want to be right! I want to be listened to, I want to know that you will see my point of view and pay attention to that! This is passion I am talking about! We can become out of control when passion takes over our emotions. This is what the whole chapter 3 of Colossians is about – putting our old man back out to the field and putting on the new man in Christ. Our old man lurks in the background, ready to bound out and take hold of our words and our deeds, and he will take every advantage he can. This is why I need to remember this verse. This is why when my passions rise, I can take stock of my words and my deeds and remember whose child I am! I am a child of the Living Christ, in whom I represent everyday, in every way. Let me remember that, and give thanks to the One who changed me from the old into the new!
Devotion by Pastor Julia


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