being high priest that year, said to them, “You know nothing at all, nor do you
consider that it is expedient for us that one man should die for the people,
and not that the whole nation should perish” ~ John 11:49b-50
spoke prophetically, not knowing what he was speaking. He thought it was best
to kill one man rather than have the Roman government take the lives of what
they would consider rebellion in the Jewish leaders. The Romans and Herod set
in place whom they would, and whom they pleased. Caiaphas believed too, that it
was better to kill Jesus before He was hailed as the Messiah, which would bring
down upon them as a people the full force of Rome. His argument is against
those who were in council with him, acting out of angst at the pros and cons being
discussed and the question of what to do with this man named Jesus. Save the
nation, kill the man, was his argument. Of course, we know Jesus did die, once
for all. His sacrifice need never be repeated, for it took only one death on
that fateful cross to release the sins of all people, to bring redemption and
salvation to all who call upon His name! All it took was one time, one Man, one
Devotion by Pastor Julia
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