have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you
will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” ~ John 16:33
live in a day of false teachers who claim that if you think it, you will have
it; if you want money, fame, prestige, it is yours for the asking. Nothing will
get in the way of all you desire. This is what the devil offered Jesus! Out in
the desert, before He began His ministry, He was tempted by Satan. Look over
all this land, Jesus was told, and it will be yours! False liars! For those who
come to Christ thinking that He is some Santa Claus in the sky, they soon fall
away because that is not who God in Jesus Christ is. The Lord gave us warning
that it would be difficult to follow Him. We have to carry our cross, and it is
heavy! We have to walk away from some things that we want, so to follow Him. We
have to lay ourselves aside so that He might be more in us! To be a true
follower of Jesus is not easy, but it is so very worth it! Will there be
trials? Absolutely! We live in a fallen world. Sickness, financial struggle,
trouble with family relationships? Yes, and more may afflict us as we follow
Him. This is why Jesus prepared us for what we would encounter. But, praise
God, He left us with a promise too! He has overcome the world! And He will help
you walk through whatever the world throws at you! But do not lose hope, for
herein is granted to us through His power the grace to keep running “the race
set before us.” You may feel as though you are drowning, but the Lord knows
your troubles and He will see you through. Have faith in the One who knows what
trouble is!
Devotion by Pastor Julia
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