God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes
in him shall not perish but have eternal life ~ John 3:16
God, the one true God, the God who came to live in human form so that we might
know Him better, took up the cross and carried it up Golgotha hill. Stripped,
beaten, bloody and bruised, He carried that cross so that He could then be
nailed to it and die a painfilled death. And He endured all this for you and
for me. Even though you may not believe in Him, He did it for you. Certainly, for
those who do believe, this life is different, and not only this life for it
does not end here, but it continues on with Him for eternity. For those who
believe, there is life after death with Him forever. No other god has died
sacrificially for his believers. Other god’s serve themselves, and you serve
them, or you will be punished. That punishment will come in this life and it
will come in the next, and it will be based on your conduct during your life. God,
in Jesus Christ, took that punishment for us who believe, so though we may make
mistakes, we may sin, when we ask forgiveness all is washed away. Our afterlife
glory is secure in Jesus and His self-sacrifice on the cross. Once, for all.
by Pastor Julia
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