is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Peace in heaven and glory in
the highest!” ~ Luke 19:38
King is coming! The King is coming! Today is what we call “Palm Sunday”, the
day when Jesus was celebrated as He entered Jerusalem. Amid shouts of joy,
Jesus was honoured. As we look back on history and celebrate with those people
the arrival of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, how do we honour Him? How do we live
our life for Him? We know how then the crowds turned on Him within a few short
days, do we do the same every now and again? Jesus is the King of glory, and of
peace. He was the hope of the nation at that time, He is our eternal hope now.
There was much at stake upon His first arrival, but there was also great victory!
They did not understand the significance of His arrival, but we have the full
benefit of that ride upon a colt, for He is our King, our Saviour, our Lord,
and His kingdom brings peace! His victory brings eternal life!
Devotion by Pastor Julia
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