to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest ~ Matthew
you know you were not meant to carry your burdens alone? Do you know there is
Someone who will bear you up under them? Why then, is it so hard for you to let
go and let God? We all have burdens. It may be our children going through the experiences
of maturing, or caring for parents that are aging, or spouses that are ill. Our
burden may be our home, or our workplace, or, it may be our own illness and
possibly our own hurt past. Here, we have an invitation to come, to rest, to
give whatever keeps you awake at night to the Lord Jesus. When He walked to the
cross, you were His burden, you were the weight upon His shoulders, not out of
duty, but out of Love. He did not take that burden lightly then, but gave it
His all. He is still prepared to carry your need on His shoulders, and, He has
asked for you to place it there. So, pray with me now…Lord Jesus, I don’t know
how to ______ . Please help me with my burden, please show me the way and give
me insight. I place ______ on your shoulders, and I give it/them to you. You
are the Great Physician, the Omnipotent One, and I trust in you to bring resolution
to my pain. Amen.
by Pastor Julia
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