Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted ~ Matthew 5:4
As Jesus stood on a hillside, He quoted many beautiful sayings, only some of which are recorded, as I expect He taught for hours. We call them the Beatitudes. They are a series of blessed, and this one, blessed are those who mourn, is one of them. We might automatically think of this mourning as grief over the loss or death of a loved one, but this is not what Jesus is talking about. He is talking about mourning the loss of communion with God. Blessed are those who mourn the sin in their life which separates, blessed are those who mourn their lack of spiritual joys, and blessed are those who mourn the state of God’s people and church, for there are many whom have turned away from God. Look at the world around us! There is much to be mournful over! Yet, they shall be comforted! For when we mourn, we have the grace-filled opportunity to lean into our Saviour and be comforted by His Holy Spirit. His Spirit shows us His truth, His Spirit leads us to Christ, His Spirit leads us to the way everlasting. Then, our mourning will come to an end, for at that time all tears shall be wiped from our eyes! Partial comfort in the life here; completely comforted in the life to come! Amen!
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