mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great
compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me
from my sin ~ Psalm 51:1, 2
is from a psalm of David, after his encounter with Bathsheba, and we, though
our circumstances are not the same, pray the same prayer. God’s love is unfailing,
and though we may at times turn our back on Him, or let Him down through our
actions and our words, He is always there to love and forgive. Our God is a
holy God, and therefore sin cannot enter before Him. Yet, we come because of
the atonement of Jesus Christ, and through His sacrifice, may enter before our
God. Unlike what some believe, we cannot enter heaven without the compassion of
God forgiving us from our iniquity. Some believe once death comes, heaven has
an “open door policy” where the righteous of any faith have a place in it. It is
our actions, not our specific beliefs which open this door. Some others believe
that it is our influence which lives on in the world around us, for there is no
life after this life. As Christians, we believe in a life after, and we believe
in a compassionate God who will forgive our sins when we come to Him and seek.
As Christians, there can be no heaven without this forgiveness, freely offered through
the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Devotion by Pastor Julia
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