are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honour and power, for you
created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being ~
Revelation 4:11
was watching a nature show last evening, and was enthralled by the beauty of
the oceanic creatures. How in sync they were with each other in keeping the
equilibrium of life. Whether they worked in partnership for their food, or whether
they became food, and how they reproduced was all so amazing to view. This is
only one aspect of God’s creative powers visible to our eye. Then I turned my
eye to see the beauty in each one of us. We are the only creature created in
the image of God! All animal life may procreate itself in differing ways, but
we were created to be God’s image in life and in procreation. We may all have
the same features or appendages, but each one of us is unique in looks, in body
shape, in finger prints, in eye iris patterns! How amazing is that? And yet,
some look around and say, “There is no God who created!” Lord, you are the
Creator! You are the giver of Life! You are so worthy to receive glory and
honour! Forgive us, Lord, for so abusing ourselves and our world where instead
of giving you glory, we strip your glory! Bring renewal to your people and your
world, that we might all see you, Lord, in your power and glory above all and
in all!
Devotion by Pastor Julia
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