I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings
salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile ~
Romans 1:16
Jesus is the power to salvation! The gospel is the Good News about His saving
grace, His love, and His sacrifice; this then is the power of God. Of being His
follower, I am not ashamed. I know He is my hope, and in this I will not be
disappointed. Today the Jewish people are in the news with the historical renewing
of Benjamin Netanyahu’s fifth term, which is remarkable, yet, the majority of
Jewish people still do not believe in Jesus as the Messiah. They are still waiting
for their salvation to come. God’s plan was to save humanity, but we have to
believe in the one He sent! Salvation does not come by good actions, we must
have our heart turned and renewed by Christ’s Spirit which brings us to new
life. Paul found this new life in His encounter with Jesus on the Damascus Road.
Paul then was not ashamed to preach the gospel, or to live the gospel; are you?
The Gospel is the saving message which brings us from our sinful state into the
state of God’s grace. It is to have a new mindset, a new goal, a new future. It
is to have Jesus Christ within.
Devotion by Pastor Julia
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