1 Thessalonians 5:17

Pray continually ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Yesterday I asked questions about why we should pray. Why, if God knows everything, should I pray. Today I want to address praying in the right way, as well as what about praying aloud, will people judge me? I often hear people say, “I don’t pray very good,” when I ask them if they will pray for a group. Or, I hear the words, “I can’t pray.” I don’t believe either statement, but to encourage them is essential. Whether we pray to God inside our head, or outside for others to hear, the only “right way” or “very good” way, is to pray from our heart. That is the only way to pray. That is the prayer God hears and answers. If our heart is not in the prayer, whether it is a written prayer or an impromptu prayer, God is not in the room with you. Prayer is conversation with your best friend. It is simple and honest. There are no other requirements. And, as I have said before, we can pray at any time, in any moment, of any day. We can pray on a subway, or in a closet. We can pray aloud, or silently in our mind. The command is here though: pray continually. We do not know what we will face in each day which will challenge our Christian belief’s. We do not know each day what temptation will walk onto our path. We do not know each day what mission God will direct us toward, or what witness we will be called upon to utter and display. Prayer prepares us for all a day will offer. Everyday!
Devotion by Pastor Julia


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