answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father
except through me´~ John 14:6
We live
in a day of super-abundant tolerance. This is good if it removes those things
of life which are damaging to a human spirit such as hate crimes, oppression of
the poor, the sick, those of a different culture, and educational preferences due
to privilege. We can and should be tolerant of other religions too, but, not to
the point where we say heaven’s door is open to all. Here, we have to draw the
line, for it is only by believing in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, as the
Saviour of the world, can we come to the Father. Our God is a jealous God.
There is no other way, but through the sacrifice and saving grace of Jesus Christ.
Christ shows us the way through His example, His sacrifice, and by His Spirit.
Only by obeying His instruction, through which He communicates truth of His salvation
can we have favour and access to the throne of the Father. Jesus receives us
from our waywardness, our godless wandering and draws us into His family of
believers and worshippers. And He gives us life to the fullest here and now,
and the promise of eternal life after the death of our bodies. Jesus draws us
to himself; there is an open door to knowing Him and believing in Him, but not
all will open it. Some will always look for the broad way through heaven’s gate,
but take heed, for only by the narrow way through Jesus Christ do heaven’s
gates truly open.
Devotion by Pastor Julia
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