I am
the vine, you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear
much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing ~ John 15:5
my block there are several homes which have vines growing on fences near the
sidewalk so that I can observe them with the changing seasons. In the dead of
winter, the leaves may still be there on the branches, but they are brownish in
colour and look dehydrated. As spring has come upon us, I see more and more
greenery that is bright and new, and leaves which are just beginning to grow, thus
making the vine branches look fresh and new again. This verse reminds me of
those vines I pass each day. We are those branches. Without the sustenance brought
into our bodies by the power of the Holy Spirit, by connection with the Father
and Son, each day, we begin to wither and become dehydrated. We turn brownish in
colour, and unappealing to be near. If we want to attract others to us, to our
church, to our Christian family, we must look our best. We shine bright when we
are connected to Jesus in prayer, in reading scripture, in meditation, by living
in obedience to His word, and by serving others as He served us. Be filled
today, be fruitful today, be connected to Him, today and every day!
Devotion by Pastor Julia
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