Matthew 16:6

If anyone causes one of these little ones- those who believe in me- to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depts of the sea ~ Matthew 18:6

Jesus was gentle, yes, here though, we see His firmness. This speech is directed toward his disciples, not the Pharisees, as we often read. As a leader, I have always taken these words very seriously, as should every leader, but so should every lay person. How well do we know the word of God so that we can answer or teach with sound guidance, rather than with what the world mixes into our words? If false doctrine is professed for the “children”, that is, those who do not have as much experience in the Christian life, and their trust is in you because of their faith in you, they will be led astray when mixed messages enter their minds. We all have a responsibility to train and educate with the Gospel in mind so that we can face the world, and the enemies of the soul. Not only those we teach have their eternity at stake, but so is ours as well, says Jesus. A millstone was a heavy stone the mules would drag behind them. It would surly take one to the bottom of the sea, and quickly, and this says Jesus, would be better than giving false doctrine which would lead away from Jesus and His truth and life. If we as leaders or laypeople are prideful of what we know, of what we teach, of our own importance, beware. “Woe to the world, because of the things that cause people to stumble,” continued Jesus. Eternity is at stake!
Devotion by Pastor Julia


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