Proverbs 3:7

Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil ~ Proverbs 3:7

God teaches us in various ways – through experiences we encounter, and through those others encounter, but also, over and above these two by the warnings He voices into our conscious mind. This is the voice of revelation, to help us discern right from wrong. When we become wise in our own eyes, we set ourselves above God’s teaching and pride takes hold, and fear of the Lord vanishes. To fear the Lord, is not to be afraid, but to revere Him. That is the beginning of wisdom, says the writer. Evil is not always so clear. For sure we would not, and do not applaud murder. But other things in life, though they might be clear to faithful enquiry, may not be so visible to one who is not looking through wisdom’s eyes. Doubtful areas of life are to be areas we are wary of. The humble person will walk carefully here, whereas the one whom feels they are wise will walk there because he enjoys the challenge and thinks he is above the vice. Once habits of sin are formed, they are not easily broken, and it makes it hard to turn from the world toward God. We may easily be swayed under delusion if we live in rebellion to Godly wisdom, and turn away from that which He would offer. Do not neglect to ask and seek the counsel of God, in all matters of life. If you are wise in your own eyes, you will not be in the eyes of God or others.
Devotion by Pastor Julia  


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