For the wages of sin is death, but the
gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord ~ Romans 6:23
All sin separates us from God. All sin
leads to death when it is unrepented, for God cannot draw close to us when we
are far from Him in our own desires, lusts, greed, and, well, the list goes on.
The greatest sin is to turn away from the Lord, to turn away from accepting
Jesus Christ as Saviour. This sin will keep us from eternal life with our Lord.
We were born into a fallen world with fallen bodies. It was not God’s plan from
the beginning, but it is the state of where we are since the fall from the
Garden of Eden. But God had a plan in place, knowing that He gave us free will,
and that plan was the life and atonement of His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus died
that all might live eternally with Him, but not only eternally, but in this
life as well. When we take Jesus as our Saviour, we surrender all to Him and in
that amazing giving up of ourselves, we are made new in Him and come into who
we were meant to be! Our gift from God is not only to spend eternity with Him,
but to have Him within us now, re-creating us into His image and likeness! What
amazing grace this is! What an amazing gift we have received! Life to its
fullest here and in the hereafter! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Devotion by Pastor Julia
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