Isaiah 26:3

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you ~ Isaiah 26:3

In Hebrew, “perfect peace” is in fact, “peace, peace,” thereby placing emphasis upon the word. It essentially means “undisturbed.” It speaks of a mind which has confidence in God and is not agitated by the trials which might come upon it by persecution, poverty, sickness, or bereavement. Isaiah writes and speaks to a people who had been taken away to the distant land of Babylon, and been subjected to many trials there, while also stripped of their country and honour. They lived as prisoners and captives. Yet they still trusted in their God and that He would and could deliver them. Their minds were fixed on God, just as we now fix our minds on His Son, Jesus Christ. We are grounded and rooted in Him, and nothing can sever that relationship, or us from His love. Our God is faithful and sure, His covenant is faultless and steadfast. If you are undergoing trials today, keep your mind steadfast on the name of Jesus, and His peace, His shalom, will cover you, inhabit you, and uphold you.
Devotion by Pastor Julia


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