John 15:7

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you ~ John 15:7

This is a verse Jesus spoke to His disciples, so that their desires and life would be regulated by something other than their emotions. He instilled in them a living principle. First, they were to remain in Him, or some versions say, abide. This requires faith, obedience, and being filled with His Holy Spirit. God honours our trust in Him. Second, His words need to be in our heart by our knowing them, believing in them, remembering them, persevering in obedience to them. None of this can happen on the fly. We have to be students of God’s word, daily pouring ourselves into it, meditating upon it, digesting it. God’s word will bring fruit from within us as it purifies and restores us. These, said Jesus, are the conditions for asking whatever you wish and to have it done for you. The interesting thing to note is that when we are in such a deep relationship with Jesus, our asking is within His will. Those things we may have asked for previous to our closeness are usually swept away and our desires become His desires. We then are asking according to God’s will, God’s purpose, and will be fulfilled for His glory. When you pray, do not be vague, but be specific, be personal, and your Father in heaven will hear. Ask big! After all, we have a big God!
Devotion by Pastor Julia


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