Hebrews 12:14
every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no
one will see the Lord ~ Hebrews 12:14
much as you can, and as far as you can, ensure you have a good understanding
with others. It is not always easy, for we most certainly all have differing
points of view, but if we take care not to let our passions rise up so that we
indulge ourselves, and if we pursue peace with great care, and attention, we
can be allowed a safe and clear conscience. Peace and holiness go together, for
if we give way for peace and in doing so we end up at peace with sin, then
holiness has been forsaken. We cannot be so peaceful that we give way to what
is not of God and His principles. The writer says that without holiness we
cannot see God. It is not that we are perfect, we are never going to exceed in
perfection until Jesus comes for us, but God cannot look upon what is unholy.
Holiness in us is revealed through our moral character. Holiness is God’s
likeness, it is thinking as God thinks, acting as God acts. Holiness is found
in those who live a pure and virtuous life, inward and outward, for without
this we cannot see a God who is holy, Christ who is holy, nor a heaven which is
Devotion by Pastor Julia
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