Psalm 51:10

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me ~ Psalm 51:10

What a beautiful psalm! David appeals to God, not to just mend his heart, or to patch up his heart, but to actually do something new to it – create it afresh! He is asking for new life, for something to exist where it did not exist before! He is asking that God actually cut out the old and replace it with a brand-new organ within his chest. And David recognizes only God can do this for him. Only God can make his heart clean, make it pure, and ensure that his feelings and affections are made right before God. It begins with the acknowledgement that his heart is not now what it should be, could be, without the intervention of God! Next, David asks for a steadfast, or some versions say, a “right spirit” within him. He is praying for a heart that would be firm, or steadfast, in the purposes of virtue, that would not give way to temptations, that would carry out only the holy resolutions, and would be steadfast in the service of God. Oh, what a beautiful heart he would then possess! God will heal any disorder within us, He will remove every impurity within us, He will fill us with His Holy Spirit whom will inspire us and deliver us! His Son died for this, that we might have a new heart, a new life, become new creations in His love! Be holy as He is holy, and then, live with a holy character such as did David of old!
Devotion by Pastor Julia


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