1 Corinthians 6:19

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own ~ 1 Corinthians 6:19

In this day and age when we say, “my body is my own and I can do with it what I may”, the Bible says, “Hold on, your body belongs to Another! And what you do with it will either glorify God, or will dishonour God.” Paul has already stated that we belong to God; we have been redeemed by God; a steep price for us was paid; because of this price we are bound to Christ; and if all of these, then we are to devote ourselves in body, soul, and spirit to God’s glory. So, how do we live giving God glory with this body He has created for us to live in? Live with sexual purity. When we live by the lusts of the flesh, they control us, lead us, urge us on to fulfilling that desire. We become servant to the flesh and to the urges within. When we live a life of purity, we give God a home which is habitable. We should not live according to our own pleasure, but make God our Master, therefore, we submit to Him, to His command, His control over every act of our life. Our secular interests, whether they are the lusts of the flesh, or the eye, or the stomach, call us to strong attachment. Our attachment must be to Christ first and foremost. When we are tempted to alienate ourselves from Christ’s service by serving our body, think again of what price Jesus paid. He hung on that cross that we might be free of the oppression of sin, specifically here, free of the prostitution of impurity.
Devotion by Pastor Julia


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