Matthew 5:44

But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you ~ Matthew 5:44

This is so unnatural! When someone does you wrong, don’t you want to avenge yourself, and get back at them for doing you harm? Even if it is a little twinge, it is there within us. Yet, Jesus said for us to fight against the natural within us, though it might be absurd to our way of thinking. We find excuses for our behaviour; we find ways of condoning the fact that we have brought back hurt on someone for all the wrongs we received at their hand. There is a back slap in our own lives when we live like this though. When we hate each other, our joy is robbed from us. Hate does not cure hate. Only love can cure hate. Jesus does not promote unhappiness, but peace and joy. When we love our enemy, when we do good things for our enemy, we heap burning coals on their heads (which means they will repent) as written in Proverbs 25:21, 22.  The only way I know to change an evil heart is through love and prayer. I place them in the Lord’s hands. He is the one who can transform them, and make them into someone new. When I love with His love, amazing things happen to my enemy. They may even become my friend! And prayerfully, they will find salvation in Jesus Christ! 
Devotion by Pastor Julia


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