Proverbs 17:22

A merry heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones ~ Proverbs 17:22

The NIV misses out on using the word “body” when it comes to a merry heart, but I think that the point is still made. Our mind and body are interconnected, and very often those who are mentally unhealthy are physically so. The power of the mind is strong. A happy heart can aid a person climb the hurdles of life with hope and confidence. A crushed spirit on the other hand, cripples a person, leaving them curled up in a ball under the weight of defeat. How then can we live with the spirit of joy instead a crushed spirit? Look at your mercies “with both eyes” and not just one. In other words, search them out if need be, and count them. What has brought goodness into your life in this day, or this past hour? Look then at your troubles with “only one eye.” Again, this means do not put all your concentration on what is ailing your life. When we concentrate on our troubles, they grow in magnitude, we then make “mountains out of mole hills.” To live with the spirit of joy, look to the Apostle Paul and his words, “In whatsoever state I am, I have learned to be content.” Now, I know this is challenging, and I know I cannot always accomplish what Paul did, but I can and do try to be content in all situations. It takes the ability to find in each day the “what is” and to work with it, rather than against it. Next, be useful to someone else. When we give to another sacrificially, our thoughts are taken off self and placed onto another. It is sometimes our own self-pity which hinders us the most, so see how you can do something for some one else around you. Finally, but not less than the other thoughts, make God your trustee. Believe He cares for you and loves you, and is there for you alone. Do not live in despair, but find the joy which is there, for in every cloud there is a silver lining! There is always light at the end of the tunnel!
Devotion by Pastor Julia


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