1 Peter 1:24

All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall ~ 1 Peter 1:24

Peter is emphasizing the futility of mankind in comparison to the eternity of God. All we strive to maintain in life, all we work so hard for in life, all we think will be our lasting legacy, fades and decays. It sounds glum, I know, because what he is saying is that all those things we as mortals hold in high esteem with each other are all temporary. We value our wealth, our wisdom, our strength, even our external righteousness, but these in comparison to the spiritual realm, mean nothing. Only when Christ is in our life and our values are found in Him, is there true value, true wisdom, and true strength, and an eternal value found. If we were to read on in Peter’s text we would discover what Peter acknowledges as value, that being that we are a chosen people and are precious to Him. God's values will never match our values, until we in turn value what He values. When we look to this earth and her way of showing status, it is vain and empty. But when we build our life on the Rock of Jesus Christ, we strive for what is eternal in this life and in the next. What is unmoved and permanent is the Word of God and His Truth. His promises of old are promises for us today, His assurance there is a better world remains, though the world around us changes. He is our Rock, He is our Stability, He is our Eternal Flower.
Devotion by Pastor Julia


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