3 John 1:11
Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who
does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God ~
3 John 1:11
Who is your role model? And, if I am not asking who yours is, who is
the role model of your children, or grandchildren? Because the simple truth is,
whomever you idolize and adore, you will want to imitate that person. So, is
that person one of integrity, honesty, holiness? In our world the people
imitated most seem to be those in the limelight of the movie/television media
stream. Movements start and run like wildfire if a famous person takes an
interest in that thought, or agenda, or style. We must guard our hearts, and
train those who come behind us to guard their hearts against imitating those we
“think” are great persons. Their actions appear to be the “laws” we should
follow. If they use profanity, so should we, is the thought. Or, whatever the
evil may be. Our nature naturally is swayed by what is agreeable to us, and we
follow, so again, we must be on guard. When God is our model, when one is a
child of God, we have one of kindness and benevolence, one of mercy and grace
to copy. We have Jesus Christ as our model, who went about doing good to all,
who said it was more blessed to give than to receive. He is the perfect role
model for us all! When you follow Him, you cannot go wrong in imitation.
Devotion by Pastor Julia
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